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Set And Reach Your Goals With Weekly Plan

With the new feature Weekly Plan, it’s simpler than ever to set weekly goals for yourself across sleep, strain, activities, and behaviors. Get directly coached towards the improvements you want to make. You can check-in and see your progress throughout the week and get coached along the way. Learn how to implement effective behaviors into your routine that can turn into lifelong healthy habits.

How to use Weekly Plan

With Weekly Plan, you can choose a plan for the week based on what you need most -- whether that's maintaining your fitness, or getting more sleep. Once you set a goal, WHOOP will provide you with recommendations on how to reach it, including key behaviors to incorporate into your routine, and optimal strain and sleep targets. Your targets are set using your individual baseline to make your plan even more personalized.

If you choose to focus on Strain for the week, WHOOP may recommend you record Hydration, Protein, and Avoiding alcohol in your Journal to help you better recover as you increase your Daily Strain. Sleep Planner and your Strain target will also incorporate your weekly goal to help you hit it on a daily basis.

  1. To access Weekly Plan, tap the Plan tab at the bottom of your app home screen. In order to use this feature, you’ll need to have at least 7 recoveries. 
  2. In the My Week tab at the top, scroll down and select the plan that aligns to your goals for the week. Starting a plan will customize your daily recommendations for the week ahead. You can choose:  Prioritize Sleep: Focus on improving your sleep with no strain target and log sleep-supporting behaviors. Strain: Increase your weekly Strain by 20% and maintain your average sleep. Maintain: Maintain your average Sleep and Strain and log behaviors that support general health. Vacation: Focus on relaxation with no strain target, and enjoy vacation-friendly behaviors.  Custom Plan: Create your own personal goal for your Sleep, Strain, activities, and behaviors. 
  3. Once you select a plan, your Journal will automatically add the recommended behaviors, which you can log every day to make progress towards your goals. You can see how you’re doing each week by tapping Plan – you’ll also get reminders and actionable recommendations throughout the week. 
  4. You can also edit your Weekly Plan by tapping on any of the pencil icons on the My Week tab. Each pencil icon will take you to edit that specific portion of your Plan (for example: activity goal, tracked behaviors, etc.).

Creating your own plan

When creating a Custom plan, WHOOP will allow you to set your own goals related to Sleep, Strain, Activity, and Behaviors based on your 30-day average.

Here’s how to create your own plan: 

  1. Set or skip your weekly Sleep goal. WHOOP will automatically choose a goal based on your 30-day average. You can also drag the slider to adjust to your personal goal.
  2. Set or skip your weekly Strain goal. WHOOP will automatically choose a goal based on your 30-day average. You can also drag the slider to adjust to your personal goal.
  3. Set or skip your weekly Activity goal. WHOOP will provide a list of your most commonly performed Activities. Choose from the list or add others by tapping Add Activities. Toggle the Activity ON to include it in your Weekly Plan. Then, select how many days per week you want to perform that Activity.
  4. Set or skip your Behavior goal. WHOOP will provide a list of Behaviors tracked in your Journal that have the biggest impact on your Recovery. Choose from the list or add others by tapping Add Behaviors. Toggle the Behavior ON, select Avoid if you want to avoid that Behavior, and select how many days per week you want that Behavior tracked. Remember to keep using Journal as you’re setting Weekly Plans for yourself so WHOOP can accurately capture the impact of behaviors and habits that aren’t automatically tracked, like morning sunlight. You can also use WHOOP Coach for helpful tips along the way, and ask questions like, “What are the benefits of getting morning sun on my face?” or, “How much sun do I need?”. 

What’s next

Like any feature at WHOOP, we are always evolving and updating. We will continue to hone this feature as members participate and share valuable insights and feedback.