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Million Dollar Mindset: How Ryan Serhant Keeps Building
On this week’s episode, WHOOP Founder and CEO Will Ahmed is joined by one of the most successful real estate brokers in the world. You may have seen him on Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing or read one of his best-selling books. Real estate broker, CEO, and founder of SERHANT, Ryan Serhant is here to discuss his latest book Brand It Like Serhant, as well as his views on health and wellness and high performance. Will and Ryan discuss Ryan using WHOOP, getting started with Million Dollar Listing, the line between performing and being authentic, being comfortable under pressure, launching SERHANT, Ryan’s work ethic, Brand It Like Serhant, starting to build a brand, Ryan’s focus on health and fitness.
- 2:00 - 3:33 Ryan using WHOOP
- 3:33 - 8:35 Getting started with Million Dollar Listing
- 8:45 - 13:31 The line between performing and being authentic
- 13:45 - 15:11 Being comfortable under pressure
- 15:12 - 20:27 Launching SERHANT
- 21:24 - 26:12 Ryan’s work ethic
- 26:12 - 33:12 Brand It Like Serhant
- 33:24 - 37:52 Starting to build a brand
- 37:52 - 45:04 Ryan’s focus on health and fitness