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Podcast 227: Women's Health, Research, and the Future of Female Athletics with Christine Yu

June marks the anniversary of Title IX, a pivotal law that supports gender equity in sport. To continue the conversation on the importance of female athletics, we're joined by journalist and author Christine Yu who shares more on how to create address inequities in female athletics.
This week, WHOOP VP of Performance Science, Principal Scientist, Kristen Holmes sits down with award-winning journalist and author Christine Yu. Christine's new book UP to SPEED: The Groundbreaking Science of Women Athletes is a must-read on the state of women’s health and wellness in today’s society. Now more than ever, women of all ages are participating in sport, yet the guidance they receive is based on studies of men. More scientists, researchers, and even companies like WHOOP, are looking to both close the gender data gap and dispel the myths that exist. Christine shares more on the latest research, and how all women can live long, healthy, and athletic lives. Want to see your questions answered? Email us – – or you can call our listener line (508-443-4952) and leave a voicemail, and your question might be answered on a future episode.
- 2:55 - Christine’s journalism career
- 5:00 - The biggest inequities in health and athletics
- 7:40 - Areas for more women’s health research
- 9:50 - Young athletes dealing with puberty
- 14:57 - The impact of hormonal birth control on female athletes
- 19:05 - Media coverage of women’s sports
- 21:50 - The push for equal pay in sport
- 24:30 - Key takeaways from Christine’s book
- 26:05 - A research study that Christine believes changed the industry
- 33:05 - A story about the Australian National Field Hockey team and ACL injuries
- 35:25 - Christine’s learnings across the continuum of a female athlete’s life
- 42:17 - What women should be doing in perimenopause
- 46:15 - An inequity Christine would improve today
- 52:05 - Tips for women to achieve high performance
Christine's Website Christine’s Instagram UP to SPEED WHOOP SVP of Data Science & Research Emily Capodilupo on Why We Need a Title IX for Research